Tuesday, July 13, 2010

U2 performs at Live Aid 25 years ago today

25 years ago, a prominent Irish band from Dublin called U2 took to the stage at Wembley Stadium in London. Whether you were alive back then or not, anyone can easily plug in U2 at Youtube and see first hand U2's passion and fire on the stage. That passion was rooted not just from the intensity of playing to one of the largest crowds U2 had ever seen at the time, but also was fueled by their passion (and all the bands' passion who were there playing) to help Ethiopia.

Live Aid is arguably the defining moment for their live career, and the world witnessed their ability to put on a show. Two great songs were played by U2; Sunday Bloody Sunday and Bad.

Check out this video, it gives an interesting perspective from the band's point of view during their performance:

-A. Kennedy

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