I remember seeing U23D in theaters like it was just yesterday. There are very few things on this earth that have given me chills and goosebumps that weren't temperature related. U23D was one of them. Ironically, the most moving part of the film in my opinion was actually the introduction. The lights flashing, the people screaming, and of course the chanting of "everyone" gets your adrenaline going like you are actually waiting to see a U2 show. The scene of the crowd rushing in at the GA, screaming and shoving to get a good place to stand for their epic U2 night were a really good addition to the film as well.
Of course who can deny the actual concert footage--it was all incredible and gave you a chance to go to a U2 show if you hadn't already been to one. I remember seeing it and just wishing I could see it just once more, as if saying goodbye to a loved one. That was years ago however and until recently, not much hope had been around for either another theater release of U23D or a Blu-Ray release.
While no real sources can claim anything, the chances of U23D getting released is more and more likely due to the improvements of 3D in film and televisions. 3D capabilities will likely be the selling point of this or next years technologies around Christmas time.
@U2.com reports that U2 recently developed BD-Live into the Blu-Ray copies of their U2360 Rose Bowl release, giving fans content from internet stream into the Blu-Ray player. @U2 also reports U2's U2360 Rose Bowl Blu-Ray is "the first Blu-ray title to be produced in the U.K. with BD-Live content." The link (below) also says that in the future "...users will be able to buy tickets through their Blu-ray disc..."
While nothing is certain, we can still hope for a release sometime within the decade. If there's one thing we can count on U2 doing, it is definitely saving up fan favorites like U23D for a rainy day...Until then...
-A. Kennedy
@U2 Blu-Ray Article
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